This blog gives you a glimpse into the upcoming Sunday Gathering. It's an opportunity to read through the passage we'll be studying together, pray through some of the liturgy we'll be using, and listen to a selection of the songs we’ll be singing.
ROMANS: New Relationships: The State [Romans 13:1-14].
Gary Aston will be preaching from Romans 13:1-14 to us continuing our series in Romans.
L: Heavenly Father, in a world filled with so much darkness, we pray that we might know the hope that comes with your light.
Jesus, thank you that you entered into the darkness & defeated its power; that you conquered sin & offer rescue to us all. We praise you that one day you will return to bring peace to reign.
C: Help us to live as good citizens who love you and love others. Help us to remember that we belong to an eternal kingdom that will never end.
L: Fill us with the hope and comfort that comes from knowing you as our true King.
Lead us Back (Sojourn): A song of confession that we so often seek security, comfort and the worship of other idols above God. A plea that God would lead us back to life in him.
Forgiven (Sovereign Grace): A song of confession and assurance that reminds us we are forgiven through the blood of Christ, despite the ways we fail God and fail one another.