This blog gives you a glimpse into the upcoming Sunday Gathering. It's an opportunity to read through the passage we'll be studying together, pray through some of the liturgy we'll be using, and listen to a selection of the songs we’ll be singing.
ROMANS: New Relationships: To Friends & Enemies [Romans 12:9-21].
Gary Aston will be preaching from Romans 12:9-21 to us continuing our series in Romans.
In his word God tells us that the church is the body of Christ, with Jesus as the head. When the Bible uses this language, it tells us that all parts of the body are different and yet necessary in order for it to flourish and grow. God also tells us in his word that our sin, our rejection of him affects our relationships with one another so we fail to love and serve one another as we should.
Take a moment to reflect on that now, to reflect on ways we fail to see our need for each other and how our sin affects our relationships with one another.
Father God, we ask that you would help us in this. Thank you that in trusting in Jesus we are brought into your family. Thank you that we have a new identity as your people and as your church. Help us live out this calling as a response to the generosity you have shown to us in Christ. Amen.
And Can it Be: We will be singing a new song on Sunday, a modernised version of And Can it Be which you can listen to here.
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) (Chris Tomlin): An adapted version of the old hymn, celebrating the grace we have received from God and the freedom we can know in Christ.