Welcome to Redeemer Church!

We want to help you explore faith in Jesus, grow in your relationship with him, and enjoy welcoming and deep community.

Connect with us to help you on your spiritual journey.


Come along to our Sunday Gathering.

4pm at St Chad’s Parish Centre, Headingley, LS16 5JT

If the Parish Centre car park is full, there is free street parking on Drummond Road, Drummond Avenue, Hollin Road, Hollin Mount and Weetwood Lane.

We have lots of children and young people at Redeemer and we’d love to tell you more about what we do for them at our Sunday Gathering.


City Groups are smaller communities within Redeemer where we seek to grow together, love and serve Jesus, and reach out to those around us.

We’d love to welcome you into one of our groups. Click below, send us a message and we can help you find out more.


New to the city? Studying in Leeds? We’d love to help you settle and find a church to call your own.


Our Team

  • I am responsible for Shepherding Redeemer Church, preaching, teaching and praying, overseeing the Elder and Staff teams and the running of Redeemer, training and developing leaders.

    I’m married to Eve, and we have 3 children. I enjoy playing and watching sports and exploring the outdoors.

  • I am responsible for general administration, church communications, database and bookkeeping, and am the assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead.

    I worked in Tanzania for 10 years with my husband Ian and 4 children until we moved to Leeds in 2011. I serve as a governor at a local primary school and enjoy gardening, dog walking and cooking.

  • I love that our church family includes loads of under-18s, and really enjoy playing a part in helping all ages know and love Jesus more. When I’m not doing that, I like open water swimming and days out with Pete, Samuel and Toby.

  • I share responsibility for Shepherding Redeemer church and praying for the church family.

    I grew up in the Cotswolds before coming to Leeds for university, where I became a Christian at Redeemer. I am married to the wonderful Ellie, and we have two cats called Mario and Peach. Cats are better than dogs! I spend most of my time in the week teaching children how to swim, and I love playing cricket!

  • I’m married to Hannah, together we have three children Jesse, Micah and Marni. I grew up in Scarborough and came to Leeds as a student in 2007 and have stuck around ever since. Universities years and involvement in my CU were key to may faith, after graduating I worked for UCCF: The Christian Unions for 11 years. Its my pleasure to be part of the team that pastors Redeemer church, along side this I’m studying part time with Crosslands Seminary and preparing to plant or revitalise a church in North Yorkshire.

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  • I grew up in South Wales before coming to Leeds and have never returned. I’m married to Beth and we have a little boy. I enjoy football and running, in part to try and balance out my love of takeaways.

    I share responsibility for Shepherding Redeemer Church, preaching, teaching and praying. We are working towards planting a church in Crossgates, in the East of the city, as well as serving the existing congregation in Headingley.

  • My time at Redeemer has been really foundational to my life, I became a Christian here and love being a part of the church. My background is in chemistry, I spent a large portion of my week in the lab! My family live in Armley and are part of the city group in that part of the city.

  • I'm part of the team of Elders which shepherds Redeemer, but also work in the corporate world as a lawyer. I'm married to Eileen and am kept busy by our three young kids! I lead a City Group and Redeemer's dads group. 


Redeemer is a church centred on Jesus

We want everything we do to be about glorifying Jesus and growing in love and trust of Him.

Redeemer is rooted in God’s word

We delight to teach God’s word, to feed on God’s good word pointing us to Jesus and his death and resurrection.

Redeemer is dependent on the Holy Spirit

God the Spirit unites us to Jesus, bringing new life, giving us the power to live as children of God.

In everything we do we are Spirit-dependant people.

Redeemer is a community

In the Gospel, God through his Son, by the Spirit, creates a new people for himself - the church.

We live-out the Christian life together, supporting, encouraging, teaching, blessing one another.


We are part of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches and adhere to their doctrinal basis.



The Gospel of Jesus is the heart of our vision to Grow. We seek to grow deeper in Jesus, to become more like him. As the gospel transforms us we reach out inviting people to know our great saviour, in whom we are united as one family.

PLANT churches

We are committed to the local church as God’s main mission plan for the world. We long to plant churches in Leeds and Beyond. We partner with church planters in prayerful and financial support.

IMPACT Brokenness

This is a deeply broken world marred by injustice. We want to reflect God’s heart for orphans and widows by working to Impact Brokenness in people, in communities and in structures.

Do you have a Safeguarding Concern?

If you have a concern for a child or adult in need and the person concerned is in immediate danger you should ring 999 immediately.

Safeguarding is a gospel expression of our aim to provide a safe and caring environment for anyone connecting with Redeemer church. As broken people, everyone goes through times when they need support and guidance from others. This caring support may take many forms and be offered by anyone in the 'Redeemer family', informally within friendships, Redeemer groups or other networks, or more formally through the Elders, Pastoral Team or Safeguarding Team.

Redeemer volunteers, staff and Trustees are committed to the safeguarding principles outlined in the Redeemer Safeguarding Policy. If you have a concern about safeguarding please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team who will advise you of the next appropriate steps. If the concern/allegation relates to a Safeguarding Team member, the Safeguarding Trustee.

Safeguarding Team

Ruth Hewitt

Lead Safeguarding Advocate


Steve Fairhall

Safeguarding Trustee


Andie Wilson



Linda Dray

Children & Youth Coordinator


Ed Preston

Elder for Safeguarding
