Prepare (January 22, 2017)

This blog gives you a glimpse into the upcoming Sunday Gathering. It's an opportunity to read through the passage we'll be studying together, pray through some of the liturgy we'll be using, and listen to a selection of the songs we’ll be singing.



As Exodus is a big book we won’t read all of the Bible text in our Sunday gathering. Each week we will give you the full section of Exodus here on the blog for you to read in your own time. This is a great way to prepare your heart to hear from God’s word on a Sunday. This week Gary Aston will be preaching to us from Exodus 3-6. 


So often we fail to worship God because we are too busy worshipping other things. We choose to please others over pleasing God and fail to believe his promises to us.

Father God, forgive us when we fear others above you, choosing their approval over yours. Forgive us when we treat your word lightly and fail to believe your promises to us. Help us to know that your promises still stand and remind us of your mercy and grace shown towards us in Christ. Amen.

The truth of the Gospel is that God stepped down into this world so that we could be raised up. Jesus gave up the glories of heaven so that we could be saved. 


  • Behold our God (Sovereign Grace): A song declaring the beauty and glory of God, calling us to look again and behold Him afresh. 

  • O God of Our Salvation (The Village Church): A glorious reminder of the triune God we gather to worship, a God like no other, worthy of all our praise and worship.