We were made to respond to the beauty and goodness around us through lives and actions that brought glory to God. But sin distorted that worship. Our hearts chose other things to delight in and centre on. God was pushed to the margins and other things took his place. But in the gospel Jesus dies for our sinful worship of lesser things and by his grace he now freely saves us and invites us into a life of true worship. A life with God restored to the centre.
Through the gospel, we can become God’s children, adopted into God’s family. This is a family made possible only by the immense sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus. The gospel unites Christians with a family bond that can never be broken and the life we share glorifies God.
Being in the church is more than just coming on a Sunday. As brothers and sisters in Christ, Christians are part of a new family where we grow together in the gospel and the Holy Spirit works amongst us.
At the very centre of the gospel is the most amazing act of service the world has ever seen: Jesus, the king of all things, lays down his life to save us. This incredible act of service shapes how we are to live as his followers. Just as Jesus didn’t come to the earth to be served but to serve, so we are to serve one another in the church and in our communities. The gospel gives us everything we need in Christ and we can now look at the world around us with eyes open for opportunities to share from our abundance.
The gospel brings us into a relationship with Jesus that shapes the way we live. Being a disciple of Jesus means that we not only learn about Jesus but through the work of his Spirit, we actually begin to look like him. Being a disciple means becoming more like how God made us to be at the dawn of creation: his image bearers, living in harmony with him and one another.
To be a Christian is to be a testifying witness to the grace of God. Through our lives, our stories and our words, we testify to the glory of the gospel. This witnessing is a community project not a solo mission. The Holy Spirit creates a community of people who speak and show of the glory of the gospel. The witness of the church is communal: together we show the reality of the gospel.