Redeemer is a church centred on Jesus

We want everything we do to be about glorifying Jesus and growing in love and trust of Him.

Redeemer is rooted in God’s word

We delight to teach God’s word, to feed on God’s good word pointing us to Jesus and his death and resurrection.

Redeemer is dependent on the Holy Spirit

God the Spirit unites us to Jesus, bringing new life, giving us the power to live as children of God.

In everything we do we are Spirit-dependant people.

Redeemer is a community

In the Gospel, God through his Son, by the Spirit, creates a new people for himself - the church.

We live-out the Christian life together, supporting, encouraging, teaching, blessing one another.


We are part of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches and adhere to their doctrinal basis.



The Gospel of Jesus is the heart of our vision to Grow. We seek to grow deeper in Jesus, to become more like him. As the gospel transforms us we reach out inviting people to know our great saviour, in whom we are united as one family.

PLANT churches

We are committed to the local church as God’s main mission plan for the world. We long to plant churches in Leeds and Beyond. We partner with church planters in prayerful and financial support.

IMPACT Brokenness

This is a deeply broken world marred by injustice. We want to reflect God’s heart for orphans and widows by working to Impact Brokenness in people, in communities and in structures.